lamborghini urus

Lamborghini Urus is the first Super Sport Utility Vehicle in the world to merge the soul of a super sports car with the functionality of an SUV. Urus enables you to discover any terrain, from track to sand, ice, gravel or rocks. It is the absolute all-round super sports car and more.
641 HP
top speed
202 MPH
want chauffeur services?
1 - 2 Days
Standard Rate
3 - 5 Days
15% Discount
6 - 10 Days
20% Discount
11+ days
Contact Us
We have different locations nationwide. Please choose the location you chose when booking if it is showing unavailable. If you have already chosen the right location and it is still showing unavailable. The unit might be rented or currently not available to rent or Close your browser and Reset your cookies.
Contact us for questions about availability.
For you to qualify. You need to be atleast 18 years old with Valid Driver's License and Full Coverage Insurance. We do not provide our own insurance. You must have a full coverage insurance and could cover the full amount of the vehicle.
Our standard mileage limit per day is 100 miles. Contact us for pricing on additional mileage.
Yes. We offer delivery and pickup for your rental. We charge a fee depending on the location. Contact us for pricing.
We accept major types of Credit, Debit Cards and Cash.